Monday, July 6, 2015

The Devil Made Me Do It... With Macros

I recently read a rather interesting proposition to the GOD question we mortals seem interminably obsessed with it. It's called, "The Simulation Theory."

The gist of this preposterous nonsense is that we are all living in a computer simulation, and Big Daddy G is nothing more than an infinite programmer. You know, kind of like the movie Tron.

What a vapidly mundane premise! If this is a feasible explanation to dignify our existence (no less ridiculous than all the other religions, mind you) then I still contend that "God" is a super huge dickhead.
This malicious computer programmer overlord has bedeviled us with such atrocities as: Nicki Minaj, Bret Michaels, Duck Dynasty, and June bugs. Not to mention war, famine, disease, and death but who's counting evils? Not me.

If you really think about it, no matter what theory you want to propose to rationalize your existence, all attempts to portray an otherworldly deity fall prey to human concepts. The reason for this is that you are human. Allow me to extend my most grave and abundant apologies to those disobliged by such an astute proclamation, however, you cannot circumvent reality.

Your thought patterns and mental faculties are subject to the limitations of your culturally biased awareness-- the absolute accumulation of your perception-- which demands that every single intellection you devise to contrive a conception outside of the scope of your comprehension is going to bear the mark of humanity.

Attempt to consider any of the forms of god that we have developed over the course of our evolution.

All of the gods depicted in religious contexts have human attributes. They are either angry, or jealous, or loving. They bear the physical appearances of human or animal forms. The paradises associated with these gods are also human-like, so are the punishment zones, i.e. Hell. (Fire and brimstone. Seriously?)
Ah... we are such an imaginative group of life forms, are we not?

That, therein, lies the problem. One can contrive any number of ways to elucidate an acceptable theory to rationalize that which cannot be rationalized: GOD.
Theorists and theologians have, thus far, grossly overlooked the fact that this planet, with all of our elementary humanness upon it, is but one planet amid an incalculable number of boulders, all floating in a void so astonishingly tremendous, we cannot even begin to fathom the depths. Why are we so gullible and egocentric to believe that our gods are only like just us, we- the petty simple humans- on this one rock?
This is our true sin.

Every religion is wrong. It doesn't matter what you believe because the divinely fortunate fact is that you are wrong and I am wrong. We are all wrong. There is no apocryphal simulation program, there is no heaven and hell or any version of it. There is nothing but everything that we will never understand until we expire from this life.
Endeavors to do so until that moment are a waste of time, a facilitator to war, and a notable measure of ignorance and vanity.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Dividng By Zero

"Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes." --George Soros

(I am a human without favorites. I've often been annoyed when asked what my favorite (insert 'thing' here) is, because I attempt to appreciate many aspects of life instead of basing a preferential desire for one object or experience over another. However, if I had to choose a favorite Superhero, I would pick George Soros.)

I admire the aforementioned quote because of its stark brutal truth. The fact is that many people are insane. By that understanding, I mean they repetitively act in the same fashion but expect a different result. I, myself, was once insane by this definition until I accepted that my awareness is finite.
My experiential capacity is finite, as is yours and all carbon based life forms.

We all die.

I've been experiencing the deaths of many in recent times and it is a simple reminder of how astonishingly beautiful life "should" be.... but isn't always. Life can be particularly troublesome with the wrong frame of thought patterns ping-ponging their course through your mind and life; usually as a subset to errant and erroneous action, thought, behavior, etc. Simply put, our own idiocy creates complexity and the subconscious acceptance of inappropriate contentment gives birth to malaise.

What if I told you that everything wrong with your life is your own fault?

I believe some would agree... others would not and form a multitude of pithy excuses which habitually blame others for their independent complications. It's natural to do so because it is easier to blame another for what you lack as a temporal being rather than bear such weighty responsibilities for concepts like your own personal happiness and self-fulfillment. Rather than taking relevant action to correct an ill course of life experiences, humans typically sit in stasis and point the finger at every one else as a reasonable explanation to justify their own misery.

And maybe others do bear some responsibility for your discourse. Perhaps your parents didn't love you enough, or your second grade teacher was a bitch. Maybe your older sister/brother was a real asshole to you, or you got bullied on the playground; your boss doesn't give you any respect and your dog ran away. I can't pretend to know the causation of malady in anyone's life but my point is that, with great compassion: essentially, it doesn't matter.

By now you know right from wrong. Each person in possession of the ability to visualize a scenario, dream, wish, or desire is fully able to achieve that scenario, dream, wish or desire. The only thing stopping you from being happy, successful, achieved and content in your life is you. Stop making the same mistakes, stop repeating your dysfunctional behavior, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. It will get you nowhere. Stop expecting others to pity you, it only holds you in place as your emotional vampirism sucks the life out of those who truly do sympathize.

If you are miserable then you want to be. Humans eventually attain that which they seek. So, the mental, social, emotional and physical condition you remain in during the course of your life is the state of being that you wish to possess.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Something From Nothing

Something from nothing.
The ultimate paradox of creation, in my opinion. How can you get something from nothing? Within the confines of our own socially (and loose I might add) defined levels of comprehension, this is an impossibility. It's a basic reason the faithful possess for believing in a god, and also a fundamental concept atheists associate with for not believing in a god.
If a god doesn't exist then where did everything come from? How did the life forms, the planet, the universe etc. form if there was not a creator that made it? There must be a god.
If life forms, the planet, the universe etc. needed to be created because they could not have formed on their own, then who created the creator? What made god? How could god be the creator of everything when nothing created god.
It's all bullshit when you get right down to it, and I'll tell you why.
Humans are limited. Human perception is limited. Human comprehension is so vastly limited it's appropriately comparable to one grain of sand to every atom in the universe. Every conceptualized and relatively applied understanding we have for anything we believe we understand was never born from the depths of our subconscious, it was given to us a proxy from the adaption of collective human awareness.
There have been very few original innovators throughout our history, but they have existed. The cavemen who developed the additional brain cells needed to want a better life for him or herself and first realized friction creates fire was an innovator. Whatever Mesopotamian mastermind was sitting around one day and saw a clay pot rolling off a staircase, or whatever happened, so they invented wheel- they were an innovator. If you ever take time from your busy life of doing nothing to educate yourself about the greatest minds throughout time, you will find ORIGINAL minds and ideas. Fathers and mothers of evolved human thought patterns. Chances are good the majority of the population doesn't know about any of them. But I bet they know who Brad Pitt is. Or George Bush, or Britney Spears. In fact I'm fairly certain that ALL over the world the vast majority of human awareness will associate the two golden arches symbol to the Mecca of fast food death machines known as McDonald's. Show them a picture of Nikola Tesla and they might ask you if that's a photo of your great great uncle.
Most basic and advanced creations that were the basis for the birth of new and original thought processes were never original to begin with, they were contemplated, defined, redefined, altered and ultimately shared to form "originality" for which the rest of a fickle society accepts and adapts to.
The sad fact about human knowledge rests upon one unfortunate and encompassing condition- People are ignorant. Not lacking the CAPABILITY to exercise the limits of the mind and continually expand their boundaries for comprehension in order to form original thoughts, but simply too lazy to try. Why bother? Thinking is so hard, isn't it? So much easier when you allow the totality of everything around you to do your thinking for you. The limitations of human consciousness are that we attribute original thought in regards to creation, to human born associations.
Heaven is a golden streeted paradise, there are mansions, god sits on a throne, Allah gives you virgins, hell is full of fire and has a lake, etc. These are all HUMAN concepts. Mental visuals designed to form a bond between what you relate to in order to feed the collective ego and subside the collective fear of not being important enough to have an awareness that is eternal. None of it is original, and none of it provides a realistic and intelligent possibility for the potential continuation of consciousness.
Every book that teaches you about a religion, is only that- a book. Written by humans, edited by humans, translated by humans, and interpreted by pompous egotistical humans with personal gain (usually political) as a forerunner of intention. None of these BOOKS were written by a creative force responsible for reality and they shouldn't be taken seriously. But the remarkable weakness and laziness of the mind that is so frightened by the confines of their media fed brain adapt and cling to this insane possibility that there really IS a heaven and a hell and a loving father man sitting on his potty throne with the cherubs hovering nearby playing harps while angels with giant beautiful wings live in ultimate bliss and peace. Most Christians believe this will be their eternal paradise. Only it's a pity they've never actually studied the bible enough to know this visual image they believe as their reality is complete nonsense, adapted through time to fit the needs of every flighty society it was changed for. The bible describes angels as horrific looking creatures. Some appeared to be giant metallic wheels studded with eyeballs, others were so terrifying that just to gaze upon them you would be completely incinerated. Our understanding of angels was created by poets, sculptors, and painters during the Renaissance period. Not the bible, and not "reality" according to their own religion, yet they believe it anyway, because people are intentionally ignorant and they allow themselves to be so. It's a willful choice, but even the most sane and devout of followers have that small voice in the back of their minds, which IS their mind calling out to them, trying to clue them in to what truly is real: That they're wrong. And so, they form a blanket of faith to satiate the fear of being wrong, which afford them the continuation of ignorance. It's safer to be a sheep than lead the flock.
With that understanding in mind, why it has been necessary to contain your concepts of comprehension for an afterlife within the lines of what the world around you is capable of creating an association with, is beyond me.
I can accept that there is no loving sky daddy protecting me from evil, because a simple glance at the totality of human suffering tells me this is not true. I'm an atheist who doesn't believe in the validity of books written by gainful humans and will not accept the definitions of a constrained and fearful society who must apply human concepts into what is not flesh and bone or material construction and has adapted precious little originality into the framework of existential concepts.
I am at peace with the potential that upon death awareness ceases to exist. I am also at peace with the potential that it does not cease to exist because I know, very well, that the potentials of both circumstances do not rely on the demands of ONE possibility flowing from a single source. Whatever lies beyond this realm of our limited understanding, is incomprehensible and indefinable and the limitations of ability for reasoning outside of human associations, make it reprehensible that we attempt to explain that which we have no ability to know.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Momentary Lapse of "Reason"

I haven't felt like writing anything in a very long time. Writing is an outlet, an exposition of one moment or a series of moments that you're contriving for someone else, or maybe your own self at a later date- in which case you will fall into the first classification previously mentioned, anyway.

I suppose when you are in the process of mental brewing and preparation then it's difficult to release anything out of the channels in the mind. Things are still flowing in, building up and growing larger... like a fat little squirrel stockpiling nuts before the cold winter so it has enough to survive...... The squirrel can't very well start giving nuts to the other squirrels, now can it? It needs what it has for itself.

That's what I've been doing, collecting nuts.

I've said before, that no one ever really knows anyone, and it's true. We don't really even know ourselves as well as we think. The subconscious mind prevents information access, creating a lag in understanding for what we think we perceive and the actual depth of what our minds are really capable of comprehending in any one given second, but-- we are constantly surrounded by stimuli. So much that we are nearly desensitized to the continual onslaught of attention grabbing visual and auditory distractions. Stillness feels unnatural during the rare moments we allow ourselves to experience it.

Typical awareness becomes a sluggish meter of the presumed ignorant. I've never thought most people were as unintelligent as they seemed, rather more so that they were simply unaware and mentally undisciplined.

People never explore their mental limits, never pushing the boundaries of the mind to anything greater than an overgrown slug, and most do have the intellectual awareness of your average garden slug. It's easier and lazier to succumb to the perpetual distractions that surround you so you can be mindless cattle, herded daily by Farmer Media. In the midst of the average human's muddled clarity, they're forming an existence filled with substitutes for substantial meaning. We embrace chaos and disregard peace.

We never allow ourselves stillness, can't stand the silence if it means we're alone with only ourselves. Maybe it's too reminiscent of the upcoming grave...

Maybe the answers to truly feeling happy and fulfilled in life are in that stillness, rather than in objects, and other humans-- all the fillers occupying what could be tranquil and keeping you in the fog, rooted to those things....rooted to them.

If you examine all the components of your life and you personally define each and every aspect of it that has TRUE meaning, what are you left with? I don't mean your excitement that a new episode of (insert your favorite distraction here) is about to come up, or the fact that you like to bake chocolate chip cookies on the weekends, and I also don't mean what you get from other humans. Other humans are very important in the course of one's life, but each individual is a unique-- and isolated-- entity. Humans are fillers. What remains? What have you created within your existence, around the ceaseless chaos, that has actual real meaning?

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I'm one of those people who either hardly ever dreams, or never remembers the dream. Except last night.... now I prefer nightmares oddly enough, because they tend to be more memorable. I will never forget the dream I had a few years ago where my brother and I got lost on a deserted highway and kidnapped by Carnie folk who were breeding these black gelatinous creatures under their house. They fed Taylor to one of the monsters and some dude tried to rip my nipple off while screaming "Give me those rubber titties!" in my face. THAT was a memorable dream.

Last night's dream might have been slightly more disturbing, but mostly because in the dream land, I wasn't really bothered by anything that happened- that should have bothered me.

I was working in a church, which didn't look like a church but more like a theater of some sort. The walls were lined with thick red curtains and the front of the room had a large black stage. What bothered me about this place was that it was the same room that I had the nightmare about my father in, the day after his funeral. In that dream his funeral was taking place there and his coffin was on the stage. People were sitting in the built in chairs like they were about to watch a movie, only it was just him. I took a seat to the left of the room and started cry. I felt like none of it was real, that it was just a joke and he really wasn't dead. When I looked up to the stage at his body in the coffin I thought I saw his chest rise and fall and I felt so happy that I was right and he was actually alive. I started to get up... and his head started twisting slowly to the side to look back at me where I was sitting.

The head turned so far back it was completely unnatural and horrific. His eyes were closed and I could see dark purple veins under the skin... I was starting to feel the terror when his eyes suddenly burst open. They were the eyes of a demon, bright red with slanted black pupils. He started laughing, at first his normal laugh which morphed into this deep guttural growling. He put one of his hands on the edge of the coffin and started to climb out. The speed with which he moved made it seem as if one moment he was still in the coffin, and the next he was standing in front of me. Only it wasn't him anymore, he had become some kind of demonic creature. His mouth was stretched open and he had multiple levels of sharp pointed teeth. Small tags of decaying flesh were encrusted in between the fangs and he was drooling some opaque substance that was eating holes into the fabric of the seat in front of me. I started to scream, and then I woke up-screaming.

Anyway, back to last night. I was in this theater/church again, working there. No demon-dad present, but there were religious ceremonies taking place. A group of priests came on to the stage carrying a large wooden cross and a pulpit while I walked up and down the aisles with a push broom, sweeping up dust. I looked down at the pile I had collected, only it wasn't dust anymore, it looked like twinkling stars instead.

I had an understanding in the dream that terrible things were happening during these ceremonies. Some kind of large big foot type of creature was ravaging the place and eating the people who came. It had happened before and it was going to happen again, I knew this.

After everyone had gathered and taken their seats, I chained the doors in the back to keep this creature out and I felt like I was wasting my time because I knew it was coming and nothing could stop it. This didn't bother me, it only irritated me because I was going to have to clean up the mess. I stood at the back of the room with my push broom while the priests started to light candles on the stage.

The parishioners began to sing some haunting garish parody of Amazing Grace only the melody was all wrong, and their voices sounded like a bunch of creepy undead children. They were waving their hands through the air like typical church fanatics, when the thing came. It ripped through the red curtains and into the room. The bigfoot creature was actually enormous, towering over the seated guests and as he extended one of his meaty fists into an aisle to snatch one of them up I realized that somehow, no one else had noticed this yet, except for me.

I watched the creature put the squealing human head into his mouth while pulling on the man's torso, ripping his head from his body. I could see the shredding neck flesh stretch out from the body while the arms still flailed and his feet were paddling through the air like he was trying to swim. I wasn't afraid or upset, I was actually getting mad.

Everyone else started noticing what was happening and chaos began, people were screaming and climbing over each other to get out. The priests ran down from the stage with the cross to try and stop the bigfoot thing and I noticed how dirty everyone was. That was when I began to feel the fury in the dream. I stomped down the aisle with the broom, pissed, and shouted at some woman who literally had mud dripping off her clothes, her hair was clumped and like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown, a dust cloud was following her everywhere she went. "Look at you!" I screamed at her, everyone else around me was running around trying to escape the monster, "I'm the one who has to fucking clean around here, not YOU!" and I pushed her down on the floor. Somehow, out of nowhere, there was a stream on the side of the room. It wasn't there before. I went to the stream and filled a pail (don't know where the pail came from) with the water from the stream, I took it to the woman on the floor and dumped it on her.

I saw that a crowd had formed at the back of the room where several of the group members were trying to get out of the doors that I had previously chained. I was going to unlock it for them, but I managed to drop my keys in the stream when I was filling the pail. When I looked back towards the stage, the bigfoot thing was still there, eating and murdering the screaming church people. He had a small woman dangling out of his mouth and was squishing another one in his gigantic hand. Like a puffy marshmallow, the woman's body oozed from between his hairy fingers and chunks of her mangled flesh puddled to the floor.

I looked around at the carnage and realized how much work there was going to be for me and I grabbed the handle of the broom and snapped it over my knee. "That's it I quit! You clean this up you selfish fuck!" I threw the broken handle down on the floor and the bigfoot thing stopped his murdering to look at me. He flung his hand outwardly, slinging the crushed woman parts against the wall and held his hand out towards me showing me the gummy mess, as if to say, "Look what I have to deal with!"

I went to the edge of the floor where the stream began and grabbed a wooden platform that was sitting next to it. I saw that at the front of the room near the stage, the wall was cut away and I could see the woods outside where the stream lead. I got into the water and sat on the platform and I noticed the bigfoot thing was standing next to me. "Well come on if you're coming goddamnit!" I said to it, and started to float towards the opening that would lead me outside. I looked into the room as I drifted past it, most of the people were dead or simply gone, presumably eaten by my new friend who was walking in the stream behind me, following me.

As I floated along the stream with the creature behind me, I felt no fear. Only elation and peace that I was done with that insanity in the theater/church.

Well ..... that was it, then I woke up. I won't even try to analyze this dream, I don't know if the nonsense in one's mind that manifests in the dream world means anything or not. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. If it means something, then I suppose this means I'm completely insane, and somehow.... I'm ok with that.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


With the last vestige of PMS induced bitterness and antagonism coursing through my system, I thought Easter would be the perfect day to produce this little treasure of bitchery on one of my favorite topics- FAITH.

All too often I have heard religious automatons droning on about how they don't need to hear about such silly topics as "truth", "facts", and "reality" because they have something better than that.

They have FAITH.

Faith is a comforting notion to religious people, it allows them to discard actuality in favor of realism and remain steadfast on the path of ignorance, but I'll get to that in a minute.

If you notice, most Christians resort to prayer when they want to beg petty favors from god because things aren't quite going as well as they planned in life and they're scared and unhappy. They want a better car, and they want a bigger house and more money. Their kids are acting like douches and they think their spouse may be cheating.
Every now and then they'll throw in a few for a neighbor or friend and thus begins the process of bartering with the lord for their demands. Gimme this, gimme that. I want. And if you give it to me, I'll be a better person, God! I'll throw an extra $20 in the offering plate this Sunday and I'll stop excessively masturbating, why.... I'll even help an old lady cross the street if you do this for me. Me! Me! Me! and don't forget to Bless me while you're at it!

Personally, if I was God I would have flooded this planet ages ago just to be done with their endless whining.

When a Christian prays, they find comfort and peace in the non-action and the reason they feel this is because they have faith. They believe that their god will take care of them and do what is best for them, which is of course, whatever they want him to do- hence the prayers.
They have faith that because THEY are faithful to him, he will always be there and love them forever and ever, no matter how many shitty things they do and have done, and that when they kick it they're going to an everlasting paradise with mansions and gold streets and they'll finally get to see Big G sitting on his potty throne with Jesus. Everyone will be happy and no one will ever need anything and it will be like an eternal orgasm that will never stop. Yipee!

Christians know all about it because their bible states it and they have FAITH. "The bible says it, I believe it! I. Have. FAITH."

Faith is an unwavering belief. Like silent knowledge on the wings of absolute certainty, flying through your heaven bound soul and you know, you just know.... and you need know nothing else because you have faith.

Let us assume, for the briefest of moments, that Farmer John down the road also has faith. Blind comforting sheep's faith and he knows something too. He knows that if he performs the action of flapping his wings like a bird in the spot he marked with an X in his front yard everyday at noon for six months that he will have the power to climb on his roof, sprout wings out of his shoulder blades and fly through the brilliant blue sky. He KNOWS this will happen because he has faith! His family and friends and have all told him he's nuts, he isn't going to fly, but he doesn't listen to them, he doesn't need to. He has enough faith to know with complete assuredness that he is, indeed, going to sprout wings and fly.

Six months later Farmer John climbs to the top of his roof and he is overjoyed. He has performed the specified action faithfully, and he feels the power of that faith coursing through his soul. He knows that he is about to take flight so he takes a deep breath and a big leap of faith off the roof prepared to soar gloriously through the air like a happy hummingbird.....

What do you think is going to happen to Farmer John? He has faith that he will fly, he knows this, HE HAS FAITH!

Let me inform you of what happens next in this scenario: Farmer John takes the leap, gets three inches of airtime, and goes smashing into the yard, snapping his spine, breaking his neck and a couple of his broken ribs go splintering into a few vital organs. He dies.

That, my friends, is faith.

The preposterous notion that something will happen for no logical reason whatsoever. It is willful ignorance and insanity for fearful weak minds who are too lazy and irresponsible to take personal accountability for the course of their own lives. Morons turn to faith like frightened monkeys. They cling to faith in the face of reality because reality is too scary if it might mean they could have been wrong, or that something isn't going to go their way. They hide under the blanket of their faith like little children do when they're hiding from the boogeyman under the bed.

And like a junkie needing a fix, faith is the Christians drug of choice.

It's still a crutch and it is highly addictive. Faith destroys the logical thought process in the human mind, it halts evolution and personal growth because it boxes it's junkies into a narrowly confined realm of delusion, with NO room for progression and movement.
The bible tells you to have faith when you are faced with uncertainty and things you don't understand, like something that may clue your mindless airy head into the reality that you're being a fool by believing this nonsense in the first place.

Don't question! Have faith! = Don't THINK! Don't use your brain!

Well.. that was fun. Happy Easter, don't forget to pray this holiday, for all your desires and demands and don't forget to enjoy communion at your local church this evening.

Cannibalism FTW! :D

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

There Can Be No Title For This....

I think I've been staring at these same five blue walls of my life... here in my room. But it's only been a little more than four months. If one were so inclined to write about something (and I am inclined) then logic would dictate they write what they know.

is what I know.

A small town full nothing, expansive fields full of nothing and these blue walls, also full of nothing.

The entire concept of my "country" surroundings are almost a cliche, if I allowed it to be. Everything from the dairy farm down the road, to the isolated tree on the horizon, even the tiny blue wild flowers growing along the edges of the sidewalk can denote that atmosphere if I didn't so vehemently deny that my habitat was anything BUT boring, because I like to lie to myself. All I need now is a banjo player sitting on the front porch, humming some folk tune, "Cat's in the cradle with the silver moon, little boy blue and the dude with the spoon." I won't pretend I know the lyrics to that song, but you get the idea. Or do you? No, you probably do not....

YOU probably live in civilization, some potentially thrilling atmosphere with endless possibilities for inciting carnage and mayhem. I live in no man's land where the most exciting thing that could happen in a week is a 2 for 1 sale down at Hickman's IGA on Hog Wash; Piggleberry Punch, AND Oinkin Orange! I'm not kidding by the way, that actually is popular beverage here.

You do become de-sensitized to the hillbilly ethics over time, that much is true. I no longer giggle and point at the hicks who wander around the local gas station/movie store/fried chicken and burrito joint in their camouflage jackets, hats, and denim overalls. I'm no longer surprised to see the youth meandering about with their bottom lips puffed out from the pile of cancerous chewing tobacco stuffed in their little mouth pouches, and it's really not that shocking anymore to see a local inbred hillbilly brethren chugging a 40 oz. while driving down the highway... I mean "route", there are no highways here. No, no... you learn to just smile and nod like everyone else does.

After time all the faces begin to look the same. The hillbilly bone structure is rather unique, I've noted, and while I may joke about them being inbred, it is highly possibly considering this town has successfully remained under 800 people for the last 20 years, and they do tend to bear striking resemblances to one another. Most of them have some variation of the hillbilly snout, roundish noses, upturned at the tip that expose two, typically large, hair lined nostril holes in full view. No one here has straight hair, they're ALL curly headed, which I found a bit intriguing, and on that note, I have yet to see a natural blond here.

But as I stated, the hillbilly bone structure usually entails the round snout, high round cheekbones- ball-like even, and pointed angular chins. All of the men wear hats or caps, unless they're really old and all of the women either have short curly hair or long curly hair that they tie back into pony tails at the crowns of their squarish blocky heads. It's quite intriguing in a bizarre Twilight Zone sort of way. I plan on taking my camera with me the next time we need bread or lighter fluid and capturing a few images to demonstrate my point.

And what is my point, you ask? I don't have one. I lack a point because I live in the sticks, population 723.

There is no point anymore. :D