Friday, March 6, 2015

Dividng By Zero

"Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes." --George Soros

(I am a human without favorites. I've often been annoyed when asked what my favorite (insert 'thing' here) is, because I attempt to appreciate many aspects of life instead of basing a preferential desire for one object or experience over another. However, if I had to choose a favorite Superhero, I would pick George Soros.)

I admire the aforementioned quote because of its stark brutal truth. The fact is that many people are insane. By that understanding, I mean they repetitively act in the same fashion but expect a different result. I, myself, was once insane by this definition until I accepted that my awareness is finite.
My experiential capacity is finite, as is yours and all carbon based life forms.

We all die.

I've been experiencing the deaths of many in recent times and it is a simple reminder of how astonishingly beautiful life "should" be.... but isn't always. Life can be particularly troublesome with the wrong frame of thought patterns ping-ponging their course through your mind and life; usually as a subset to errant and erroneous action, thought, behavior, etc. Simply put, our own idiocy creates complexity and the subconscious acceptance of inappropriate contentment gives birth to malaise.

What if I told you that everything wrong with your life is your own fault?

I believe some would agree... others would not and form a multitude of pithy excuses which habitually blame others for their independent complications. It's natural to do so because it is easier to blame another for what you lack as a temporal being rather than bear such weighty responsibilities for concepts like your own personal happiness and self-fulfillment. Rather than taking relevant action to correct an ill course of life experiences, humans typically sit in stasis and point the finger at every one else as a reasonable explanation to justify their own misery.

And maybe others do bear some responsibility for your discourse. Perhaps your parents didn't love you enough, or your second grade teacher was a bitch. Maybe your older sister/brother was a real asshole to you, or you got bullied on the playground; your boss doesn't give you any respect and your dog ran away. I can't pretend to know the causation of malady in anyone's life but my point is that, with great compassion: essentially, it doesn't matter.

By now you know right from wrong. Each person in possession of the ability to visualize a scenario, dream, wish, or desire is fully able to achieve that scenario, dream, wish or desire. The only thing stopping you from being happy, successful, achieved and content in your life is you. Stop making the same mistakes, stop repeating your dysfunctional behavior, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. It will get you nowhere. Stop expecting others to pity you, it only holds you in place as your emotional vampirism sucks the life out of those who truly do sympathize.

If you are miserable then you want to be. Humans eventually attain that which they seek. So, the mental, social, emotional and physical condition you remain in during the course of your life is the state of being that you wish to possess.