Sunday, May 8, 2011


I'm one of those people who either hardly ever dreams, or never remembers the dream. Except last night.... now I prefer nightmares oddly enough, because they tend to be more memorable. I will never forget the dream I had a few years ago where my brother and I got lost on a deserted highway and kidnapped by Carnie folk who were breeding these black gelatinous creatures under their house. They fed Taylor to one of the monsters and some dude tried to rip my nipple off while screaming "Give me those rubber titties!" in my face. THAT was a memorable dream.

Last night's dream might have been slightly more disturbing, but mostly because in the dream land, I wasn't really bothered by anything that happened- that should have bothered me.

I was working in a church, which didn't look like a church but more like a theater of some sort. The walls were lined with thick red curtains and the front of the room had a large black stage. What bothered me about this place was that it was the same room that I had the nightmare about my father in, the day after his funeral. In that dream his funeral was taking place there and his coffin was on the stage. People were sitting in the built in chairs like they were about to watch a movie, only it was just him. I took a seat to the left of the room and started cry. I felt like none of it was real, that it was just a joke and he really wasn't dead. When I looked up to the stage at his body in the coffin I thought I saw his chest rise and fall and I felt so happy that I was right and he was actually alive. I started to get up... and his head started twisting slowly to the side to look back at me where I was sitting.

The head turned so far back it was completely unnatural and horrific. His eyes were closed and I could see dark purple veins under the skin... I was starting to feel the terror when his eyes suddenly burst open. They were the eyes of a demon, bright red with slanted black pupils. He started laughing, at first his normal laugh which morphed into this deep guttural growling. He put one of his hands on the edge of the coffin and started to climb out. The speed with which he moved made it seem as if one moment he was still in the coffin, and the next he was standing in front of me. Only it wasn't him anymore, he had become some kind of demonic creature. His mouth was stretched open and he had multiple levels of sharp pointed teeth. Small tags of decaying flesh were encrusted in between the fangs and he was drooling some opaque substance that was eating holes into the fabric of the seat in front of me. I started to scream, and then I woke up-screaming.

Anyway, back to last night. I was in this theater/church again, working there. No demon-dad present, but there were religious ceremonies taking place. A group of priests came on to the stage carrying a large wooden cross and a pulpit while I walked up and down the aisles with a push broom, sweeping up dust. I looked down at the pile I had collected, only it wasn't dust anymore, it looked like twinkling stars instead.

I had an understanding in the dream that terrible things were happening during these ceremonies. Some kind of large big foot type of creature was ravaging the place and eating the people who came. It had happened before and it was going to happen again, I knew this.

After everyone had gathered and taken their seats, I chained the doors in the back to keep this creature out and I felt like I was wasting my time because I knew it was coming and nothing could stop it. This didn't bother me, it only irritated me because I was going to have to clean up the mess. I stood at the back of the room with my push broom while the priests started to light candles on the stage.

The parishioners began to sing some haunting garish parody of Amazing Grace only the melody was all wrong, and their voices sounded like a bunch of creepy undead children. They were waving their hands through the air like typical church fanatics, when the thing came. It ripped through the red curtains and into the room. The bigfoot creature was actually enormous, towering over the seated guests and as he extended one of his meaty fists into an aisle to snatch one of them up I realized that somehow, no one else had noticed this yet, except for me.

I watched the creature put the squealing human head into his mouth while pulling on the man's torso, ripping his head from his body. I could see the shredding neck flesh stretch out from the body while the arms still flailed and his feet were paddling through the air like he was trying to swim. I wasn't afraid or upset, I was actually getting mad.

Everyone else started noticing what was happening and chaos began, people were screaming and climbing over each other to get out. The priests ran down from the stage with the cross to try and stop the bigfoot thing and I noticed how dirty everyone was. That was when I began to feel the fury in the dream. I stomped down the aisle with the broom, pissed, and shouted at some woman who literally had mud dripping off her clothes, her hair was clumped and like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown, a dust cloud was following her everywhere she went. "Look at you!" I screamed at her, everyone else around me was running around trying to escape the monster, "I'm the one who has to fucking clean around here, not YOU!" and I pushed her down on the floor. Somehow, out of nowhere, there was a stream on the side of the room. It wasn't there before. I went to the stream and filled a pail (don't know where the pail came from) with the water from the stream, I took it to the woman on the floor and dumped it on her.

I saw that a crowd had formed at the back of the room where several of the group members were trying to get out of the doors that I had previously chained. I was going to unlock it for them, but I managed to drop my keys in the stream when I was filling the pail. When I looked back towards the stage, the bigfoot thing was still there, eating and murdering the screaming church people. He had a small woman dangling out of his mouth and was squishing another one in his gigantic hand. Like a puffy marshmallow, the woman's body oozed from between his hairy fingers and chunks of her mangled flesh puddled to the floor.

I looked around at the carnage and realized how much work there was going to be for me and I grabbed the handle of the broom and snapped it over my knee. "That's it I quit! You clean this up you selfish fuck!" I threw the broken handle down on the floor and the bigfoot thing stopped his murdering to look at me. He flung his hand outwardly, slinging the crushed woman parts against the wall and held his hand out towards me showing me the gummy mess, as if to say, "Look what I have to deal with!"

I went to the edge of the floor where the stream began and grabbed a wooden platform that was sitting next to it. I saw that at the front of the room near the stage, the wall was cut away and I could see the woods outside where the stream lead. I got into the water and sat on the platform and I noticed the bigfoot thing was standing next to me. "Well come on if you're coming goddamnit!" I said to it, and started to float towards the opening that would lead me outside. I looked into the room as I drifted past it, most of the people were dead or simply gone, presumably eaten by my new friend who was walking in the stream behind me, following me.

As I floated along the stream with the creature behind me, I felt no fear. Only elation and peace that I was done with that insanity in the theater/church.

Well ..... that was it, then I woke up. I won't even try to analyze this dream, I don't know if the nonsense in one's mind that manifests in the dream world means anything or not. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. If it means something, then I suppose this means I'm completely insane, and somehow.... I'm ok with that.