Wednesday, April 20, 2011

There Can Be No Title For This....

I think I've been staring at these same five blue walls of my life... here in my room. But it's only been a little more than four months. If one were so inclined to write about something (and I am inclined) then logic would dictate they write what they know.

is what I know.

A small town full nothing, expansive fields full of nothing and these blue walls, also full of nothing.

The entire concept of my "country" surroundings are almost a cliche, if I allowed it to be. Everything from the dairy farm down the road, to the isolated tree on the horizon, even the tiny blue wild flowers growing along the edges of the sidewalk can denote that atmosphere if I didn't so vehemently deny that my habitat was anything BUT boring, because I like to lie to myself. All I need now is a banjo player sitting on the front porch, humming some folk tune, "Cat's in the cradle with the silver moon, little boy blue and the dude with the spoon." I won't pretend I know the lyrics to that song, but you get the idea. Or do you? No, you probably do not....

YOU probably live in civilization, some potentially thrilling atmosphere with endless possibilities for inciting carnage and mayhem. I live in no man's land where the most exciting thing that could happen in a week is a 2 for 1 sale down at Hickman's IGA on Hog Wash; Piggleberry Punch, AND Oinkin Orange! I'm not kidding by the way, that actually is popular beverage here.

You do become de-sensitized to the hillbilly ethics over time, that much is true. I no longer giggle and point at the hicks who wander around the local gas station/movie store/fried chicken and burrito joint in their camouflage jackets, hats, and denim overalls. I'm no longer surprised to see the youth meandering about with their bottom lips puffed out from the pile of cancerous chewing tobacco stuffed in their little mouth pouches, and it's really not that shocking anymore to see a local inbred hillbilly brethren chugging a 40 oz. while driving down the highway... I mean "route", there are no highways here. No, no... you learn to just smile and nod like everyone else does.

After time all the faces begin to look the same. The hillbilly bone structure is rather unique, I've noted, and while I may joke about them being inbred, it is highly possibly considering this town has successfully remained under 800 people for the last 20 years, and they do tend to bear striking resemblances to one another. Most of them have some variation of the hillbilly snout, roundish noses, upturned at the tip that expose two, typically large, hair lined nostril holes in full view. No one here has straight hair, they're ALL curly headed, which I found a bit intriguing, and on that note, I have yet to see a natural blond here.

But as I stated, the hillbilly bone structure usually entails the round snout, high round cheekbones- ball-like even, and pointed angular chins. All of the men wear hats or caps, unless they're really old and all of the women either have short curly hair or long curly hair that they tie back into pony tails at the crowns of their squarish blocky heads. It's quite intriguing in a bizarre Twilight Zone sort of way. I plan on taking my camera with me the next time we need bread or lighter fluid and capturing a few images to demonstrate my point.

And what is my point, you ask? I don't have one. I lack a point because I live in the sticks, population 723.

There is no point anymore. :D