Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life Lies

Do you ever wonder why we exist? What the purpose for our reality actually is... why is life like this? It's completely illogical because everything that most people do in the short time span they exist in never amounts to anything that lasts longer than the brief moment they and those around them experience, then it's gone and so are you and that's all.... that we know of.


At least there are distractions along the way.......

The world we live in is designed primarily of distractions because humanity as a whole is obsessed with materialism.

Which means absolutely............. nothing.

In so many sad ways we are little more than robots to a world that we exist in from birth to work for in order to maintain the continuance of these lies we call "life" so the next generation can follow in our footsteps and be the same robot slaves that we were. Working and working nonstop to buy more things, working longer hours to buy a bigger box to put all of your worthless shit in.... this is what we do.

But it doesn't mean anything, we waste ourselves away everyday.

We accept these lies as our reality. Do we really have a choice to do anything BUT that?
You want to have a choice but you don't because you're too afraid to stand out from the non-world you exist in when it's safer for your overblown ego to pretend you're something special even though deep down you know you're not.... no one is even though we want to be. We're just microbic parasites clinging to a big rock in the middle of a nothingness that we can't even comprehend.

Safer in case somebody starts to clue you in, you have that lie to fall back on telling you that you are soooo so special and unique....and it feels ok to believe it because that's what everybody else does.
It doesn't matter how old you are. You spend the earliest portions of your life in the institutional mindfuck known as the public school system and by a certain age you start counting down the days until you'll never have to step foot in that hell hole again because you know the conformity is a joke and you hate it, even when you tell yourself you love school you don't love that part but what you don't realize is that it's the cosmic joke.

That conformity never ends.

It's everywhere and it's everything. From the clothes you wear, the food you eat, to the types of music that you listen to.
All because someone else did, or someone else told you to. Said it was good, try it. You'll like it. Here's another distraction for you. Forget all about it not meaning a damn thing..... Not really.

Over 340 million people in this country suffer from depression.
That figure only covers the people who seek help for it, only those only under medical care.

This world we live in doesn't want people to be depressed.

It's bad for business.
Decreases productivity in the work force.

You go to the doctor and you get some pills that will make it ALL better... even zombies can be productive right?
Back to work!

Just another distraction. Another way to suppress the emptiness you feel inside yourself, like drug habits and alcoholism and OCD and every other demented dis-order and dis-ease we gift ourselves with.

Not that some people don't have serious problems. I actually know a few lunatics unfortunately... well one.

If you watch the phases of your life pass by and through each one you are waiting for some semblance of TRUE meaning and worthiness to show itself. Newer achievements, newer gods to worship, newer milestones....Always seeking, always searching for a greatness that we are blind to but never finding it so we grow old and we wait for this lie to end but it doesn't. (it can't)

It's the cycle of awareness, you can't escape it.

In the middle of it all, your desire to compete, whether you're twelve or fifty five, is what drives this lie further into your mind like a broken record until you have no other choice but to accept it as something it never was. (Your Life)
It's your weakness that fuels this continuation of existential mediocrity and it's that very same weakness you become so dependent on that you facilitate it's necessity to a level which renders you little more than a repetitious pre-programmed automaton.

Shelf life- 76 years.

Why are we ok with that?